作词 : Taylor Swift/Liz Rose
作曲 : Taylor Swift/Liz Rose
I walked through the door with you, the air was cold (我与你携手走进门 空气寒冷)
But something 'bout it felt like home somehow (可不知怎的 这里却如家园一般)
And I left my scarf there at your sister's house (我的围巾遗落在了你姐姐家中)
And you've still got it in your drawer, even now (直至今日 你还仍将它 置于抽匣中)
Oh, your sweet disposition and my wide-eyed gaze (你那甜美的性格 使我目不转睛)
We're singing in the car, getting lost upstate (我们歌唱于车中 却迷路于荒野)
Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place (秋叶缓缓飘落 就如事物最终回归尘土)
And I can picture it after all these days (我也能够在这些日子逝去后 还能够历历在目)
And I know it's long gone and (我也深知 时光荏苒)
That magic's not here no more (魔力早已尽失)
And I might be okay, but I'm not fine at all (觉得自己再也不会想念 可我明明心烦意乱)
Oh, oh, oh
'Causе there we arе again on that little town street (毕竟我们眼中又闪回了 曾经的小小镇街)
You almost ran the red 'cause you were lookin' over at me (你一直注视着我 还差点因此闯了红灯)
Wind in my hair, I was there (风吹拂发丝 我仿佛回到了 似曾相识的地点)
I remember it all too well (我对这一切 记忆犹新)
Photo album on the counter, your cheeks were turning red (台上摆着本相簿 你的面颊逐渐泛红)
You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed (你曾还是位戴着厚眼镜 躺在小床上的小孩)
And your mother's telling stories 'bout you on the tee-ball team (你的母亲 与我讲述 你在垒球队的种种事迹)
You taught me 'bout your past, thinking your future was me (你与我倾诉你的过往 心中坚定我就是你的未来)
And you were tossing me the car keys, "**** the patriarchy" (可如今你却抛给我车钥匙 并印有:“父权制去死”)
Key chain on the ground, we were always skipping town (钥匙链落下地面 我们总在逃离小镇)
And I was thinking on the drive down, any time now (行驶途中 我总在想)
He's gonna say it's love, you never called it what it was (或许他随时都会说:“这是就爱” 可你从未形容出)
'Til we were dead and gone and buried (直至我们灭亡 离开这人世 最终埋藏入土)
Check the pulse and come back swearing it's the same (测量脉搏 再次确认还纹丝未变)
After three months in the grave (已葬入这爱情坟墓中长达三月后 你才想得知 究竟为何导致了这一切)
And then you wondered where it went to as I reached for you (我接近你时 却只感到羞耻不堪)
But all I felt was shame and you held my lifeless frame (你只将我那已无灵魂的骨架搂进怀中)
And I know it's long gone and (我也深知 万物已逝)
There was nothing else I could do (对此我也无能为力)
And I forget about you long enough (我也已将你遗忘 时间长到)
To forget why I needed to (足以忘记 我的目的)
'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night (毕竟我们眼前又再闪回曾于午夜的我们)
We're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light (伴着冰箱的微弱光芒 我们舞动于厨房)
Down the stairs, I was there (我曾就在楼下)
I remember it all too well (我仍对此历历在目)
And there we are again when nobody had to know (我们再次相聚 也无需他人知晓)
You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath (你将我视如秘密 可我却将你当做我不可打破的誓言)
Sacred prayer and we'd swear (我们也曾神圣祈祷)
To remember it all too well, yeah (对天发誓 会将这一切铭记于心)
Well, maybe we got lost in translation (或许我们渐渐缺失了共同话题)
Maybe I asked for too much (也许是我要求太过)
But maybe this thing was a masterpiece (可也许 这关系曾如此绝妙)
'Til you tore it all up (直至你将这一切打碎)
Running scared, I was there (恐惧逃离 我曾在此)
I remember it all too well (我对这一切仍记忆犹新)
And you call me up again just to break me like a promise (你再次打给我 只是为了 如誓言般 将我打破)
So casually cruel in the name of being honest (所以你无意间 以忠实的名义残忍对待于我)
I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here (我就好似躺在地面上的一团废纸)
'Cause I remember it all, all, all (毕竟我对这一切记忆犹新)
They say all's well that ends well, but I'm in a new Hell (他们说“结局好,便一切都好”可我却时刻处于新地狱之中)
Every time you double-cross my mind (可每次你都背离了我)
You said if we had been closer in age maybe it would have been fine (你曾说我们要是年龄相仿 关系是否能够更近一步 或许 这本该一切安好)
And that made me want to die (可如今想到这一切 我只能够想到死亡)
The idea you had of me, who was she? (你对我的看法 说的是真实的我吗?)
A never-needy, ever-lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you (一位从未被需要 一直爱着你 且需要靠你的光彩照耀的人)
Not weeping in a party bathroom (在派对的厕所中哭泣)
Some actress asking me what happened, you (女演员们 还跑来询问我的情况)
That's what happened, you (你啊 就是造成这一切原因)
You who charmed my dad with self-effacing jokes (曾使于我父亲面前 大放异彩 使用那些谦逊的笑话)
Sipping coffee like you're on a late-night show (小酌几口咖啡 就如你正于深夜节目当中)
But then he watched me watch the front door all night, willing you to come (可接下来 父亲却注视着我整晚凝视着前门 察看你是否想来)
And he said, "It's supposed to be fun turning twenty-one" (他说:“或许现在到了21岁 能够更为快乐”)
Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it (时间不会飞逝 就正如我已由这一切麻痹)
I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it (我愿意再次成为过去的自己 可我还仍在试图找寻)
After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own (在衣着格子衫的几个日夜后 你却动身启程)
Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone (如今 你将属于我的一切寄回 我孤苦伶仃走回了家)
But you keep my old scarf from that very first week (可你却尚仍从起初那一星期 将我的那条旧围巾 存留至今)
'Cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me (毕竟这使你回想起了 我们过去的纯真 还仿佛能够闻到我的味道)
You can't get rid of it (你无法将它摆脱)
'Cause you remember it all too well, yeah (因为你对那一切 仍记忆犹新)
'Cause there we are again when I loved you so (毕竟我们再次重逢于 我还仍爱你的时刻)
Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known (回溯过往 你已失去 你认知中 曾最为真诚的事物)
It was rare, I was there (这曾弥足珍贵 我曾在此)
I remember it all too well (我对这一切记忆犹新)
Wind in my hair, you were there (微风吹起发丝 我回到了 似曾相识的地点)
You remember it all (你对这一切记忆犹新)
Down the stairs, you were there (曾在楼梯底下 你曾在此)
You remember it all (你对这一切记忆犹新)
It was rare, I was there (这弥足珍贵 我曾在此)
I remember it all too well (我仍对这一切记忆犹新)
And I was never good at telling jokes, but the punch line goes (我也未曾善于讲述笑话 可这还是妙语如珠:)
"I'll get older, but your lovers stay my age" (“我日渐年老 可你的爱人们 仍保持我的芳龄”)
From when your Brooklyn broke my skin and bones (于你在布鲁克林 毁坏我的肌肤于骨头一般)
I'm a soldier who's returning half her weight (我就如一名残缺不堪的士兵)
And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue? (之后这双生火焰 是否将你涂成忧郁的模样)
Just between us, did the love affair maim you, too? (就我们两人 你是否也被这份爱的责任伤残?)
'Cause in this city's barren cold (毕竟在这座城市之边 又到了寒冷的冬季)
I still remember the first fall of snow (我还仍对那第一场雪历历在目)
And how it glistened as it fell (雪花从空中飘落 是多么闪耀)
I remember it all too well (我仍对此记忆犹新)
Just between us, did the love affair maim you all too well? (你还对我们两人的关系记忆犹新吗?)
Just between us, do you remember it all too well? (你还对我们两人的关系记忆犹新吗?)
Just between us, I remember it all too well (你还对我们两人的关系记忆犹新吗?)
Wind in my hair, I was there, I was there (微风吹起我的发丝 我曾在此 我曾在此)
Down the stairs, I was there, I was there (我曾在楼梯底下 我曾在此)
Sacred prayer, I was there, I was there (神圣祷告 我曾在此 我曾在此)
It was rare, you remember it (这曾弥足珍贵 你对这一切 记忆犹新)
Wind in my hair, I was there, I was there (微风吹起我的发丝 我曾在此 我曾在此)
Down the stairs, I was there, I was there (我曾在楼下 我曾在此)
Sacred prayer, I was there, I was there (神圣祷告 我曾在此 我曾在此)
It was rare, you remember it all too well (这曾弥足珍贵 你对这一切 记忆犹新)
l love you guys so much
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